What's the difference between preboarding and onboarding

ALEX LAMONT • 23 Oct 2023

1 - What is preboarding?
2 - What is onboarding?
3 - Synergy between onboarding and preboarding
4 - What is Jobtrain onboarding?

What's the difference between preboarding and onboarding? For recruiters starting out - and depending on the sector you operate in - it can seem like there's a murky grey line between the two terms. But with an efficient and consistent recruitment process in place, you'll see that they're different parts of the journey.

Jobtrain comes with an Onboarding powerhouse - Active Care Group

Preboarding: laying the foundation

Preboarding refers to the period that occurs before the new employee's official start date. It's the initial step in the journey of assimilating a new team member into your company's culture and workflow. Preboarding sets the stage for a smooth transition and can significantly impact employee engagement and retention.

Key aspects of preboarding

  1. Documentation and compliance: During preboarding, new hires complete essential paperwork, such as tax forms, contracts, and company policies. This ensures that legal requirements are met before their first day.

  2. Introductions: Preboarding provides an opportunity for employees to meet their team members, managers, and mentors remotely. It fosters a sense of belonging and prepares new hires for their upcoming role.

  3. Training and resources: It's also an ideal time to provide access to training materials, software, and resources that employees might need to hit the ground running. Our Talent Acquisition Suite can assist in delivering these resources seamlessly.

  4. Company culture: Preboarding can introduce new hires to the company's values, mission, and culture. Sharing videos, articles, or testimonials can help new employees feel connected to the organisation's ethos.

  5. Logistics: Practical details such as setting up email accounts, assigning workspaces, and providing necessary equipment can be addressed during preboarding.

Incorporating these elements into your preboarding process ensures that your new employees feel prepared and valued before their official start date.

Onboarding: the transition to full engagement

Onboarding, on the other hand, is the process that begins on the employee's first day and extends into their first few months on the job. It focuses on integrating the new hire into their role, team, and the broader organisation.

Key aspects of Onboarding

  1. Orientation: The first day of onboarding typically involves an orientation session where new hires receive an overview of the company's history, values, and organisational structure. It's an opportunity to align their understanding with the company's mission.

  2. Role-specific training: During onboarding, employees dive deeper into their specific roles, receiving the training and guidance they need to perform their tasks effectively. Our ATS streamlines the delivery of role-specific training materials.

  3. Mentorship: Assigning a mentor to guide new hires through their initial weeks can accelerate their learning curve and make them feel supported.

  4. Feedback and evaluation: Regular check-ins and feedback sessions help new employees understand their progress and areas for improvement. Jobtrain's Talent Acquisition Suite can facilitate this communication.

  5. Integration: Onboarding is about more than just tasks and training; it's about integrating new hires into the company's culture. Encourage participation in team activities, meetings, and social events to foster a sense of belonging.

  6. Long-term planning: Onboarding doesn't end after the first week. It's an ongoing process that can extend for several months as employees acclimate to their roles and teams. Long-term planning is crucial for continued success.

"It used to take us 3 to 4 weeks to get a candidate through onboarding. Now it's just a couple of days!" Citizens Advice

The synergy between preboarding and onboarding

Preboarding and onboarding are not isolated processes but rather two phases that work in tandem. Effective preboarding sets the stage for a seamless transition into onboarding, allowing new hires to hit the ground running. Here's how these phases interact:

  1. Preparedness: Preboarding ensures that new employees are prepared for their first day. They already have essential documentation completed, introductions made, and access to necessary resources. This minimises stress and boosts confidence as they enter the onboarding phase.

  2. Engagement: The connections formed during preboarding carry over into onboarding, fostering a sense of belonging from day one. This engagement contributes to higher job satisfaction and retention rates.

  3. Efficiency: When new hires arrive fully prepared, onboarding can focus on role-specific training and integration into the team, making the process more efficient.

  4. Consistency: A structured preboarding process ensures that all new hires receive the same level of attention and information, promoting consistency in the onboarding experience.

Optimising preboarding and onboarding with Jobtrain

At Jobtrain, we understand that the success of your preboarding and onboarding processes is crucial to your company's growth. That's why we offer a comprehensive Talent Acquisition Suite that can be customised to meet your organisation's specific needs.

Our ATS streamlines the delivery of training materials, facilitates communication between mentors and mentees, and provides valuable insights into the onboarding process. With Jobtrain, you can ensure that your preboarding and onboarding experiences are seamless, engaging, and tailored to your company's culture and goals.

We take pride in our revolutionary Welcome Hub, an integral part of our Talent Acquisition Suite designed to make new hires feel right at home from day one. This Welcome Hub serves as a digital gateway for new employees, providing them with easy access to essential resources, onboarding materials, and a warm introduction to our company's culture and values.

It's a one-stop destination where new hires can conveniently complete necessary documentation, access training materials, and connect with their mentors. Our Welcome Hub is more than just a digital platform; it's a cornerstone of our commitment to ensuring a seamless and engaging onboarding experience for every member of your team.Onboarding Guide-1


In summary, preboarding and onboarding are two essential phases in the journey of integrating new employees into your organisation. Preboarding lays the foundation for a smooth transition, while onboarding focuses on role-specific training and cultural assimilation. By optimising both processes with the help of Jobtrain's Talent Acquisition Suite, you can enhance employee engagement, satisfaction, and long-term retention. Embracing these two phases as interconnected elements of your hiring strategy will undoubtedly contribute to the success of your organisation.

Join the onboarding revolution