5 things you're doing wrong when advertising jobs: a guide for UK employers

LAURA CHAMBERS • 24 Jul 2023

As an employer in the UK, attracting the right talent for your job openings is crucial for your organisation's success. However, many companies unknowingly make mistakes in their job advertising strategies that hinder their ability to reach and engage potential candidates effectively. In this blog, we'll explore five common pitfalls UK employers encounter when advertising jobs and provide data-backed solutions to enhance your hiring efforts.

Neglecting mobile-friendly job listings

In today's digital age, mobile devices are the go-to platform for job seekers. Ignoring mobile-friendly job listings can cost you valuable talent. According to Statista, as of 2021, 94% of UK adults aged 18-34 owned a smartphone. Thus, if your job postings are not optimised for mobile viewing, you risk losing potential candidates who may be searching for opportunities on their smartphones. Ensure that your job ads are responsive and user-friendly across various devices to expand your reach and improve candidate engagement.

Vague job descriptions and requirements

A common mistake made by employers is providing generic or ambiguous job descriptions and requirements. Candidates want to know precisely what a role entails and the qualifications they need to possess. A study by Glassdoor found that 67% of job seekers said that unclear job descriptions would dissuade them from applying and Jobtrain's Talent Intelligence team learned that over 80% of candidates wouldn't apply for a job if salary wasn't advertised. Be specific about the job responsibilities, qualifications, and expectations to attract candidates whose skills align with your requirements.

Ignore the power of employer branding

Your company's reputation and branding play a significant role in attracting top talent. Many UK employers fail to leverage their employer brand effectively in job advertisements. A survey conducted by LinkedIn showed that 75% of job seekers consider an employer's brand before applying. Highlight your company's unique culture, values, and benefits to stand out from competitors and create a positive impression on potential candidates.

Both our JTGO and Jobtrain platforms have a job board marketplace that lets you reach over 5000 job boards from within our recruitment software! You can create an engaging, branded job advert with images and videos showing your company culture, and distribute it to where your candidates are, (rather than where you want them to be!)


Overlooking diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion have become critical considerations for job seekers. Failing to address diversity in your job ads can discourage qualified candidates from applying. A report by McKinsey & Company revealed that companies in the top quartile for gender diversity are 21% more likely to outperform on profitability in the UK. Ensure your job advertisements promote an inclusive work environment and emphasise your commitment to diversity to attract a diverse pool of talent.

Lengthy and complex application processes

A cumbersome application process can deter even the most interested candidates from completing their application. Streamline the process to boost applicant conversion rates. A survey by Indeed found that 50% of job seekers would abandon an application if it took more than 15 minutes to complete. Minimize the number of steps and requirements, and use intuitive application forms to make it easy for candidates to apply, enhancing your chances of attracting qualified applicants.

Post (12)By avoiding these common mistakes in your job advertising strategies, you can significantly improve your chances of attracting top talent to your organisation. Optimise your job listings for mobile viewing, provide clear and detailed job descriptions, leverage your employer brand, embrace diversity and inclusion, and simplify the application process. These efforts will not only increase your candidate pool but also enhance the overall quality of applicants, ensuring you find the right fit for your job vacancies.

A job advertising checklist

Job Advert Checklist

Our latest guide to job advertising includes information on what motivates candidates to apply, statistics from our talent intelligence team to keep your hiring data-driven, and a job advert checklist to share with colleagues.

Making sure there is consistency in your approach is key to making a big splash with jobseekers, especially if you're advertising multiple vacancies! Don't underestimate that if your core audience is on sites like Indeed, they'll likely be sending out a few applications in the span of a couple of hours. You want to make sure all information across each advert shows you at your best. 

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