
Talent Intelligence Market Report - Q3 2023

Written by Gary Towers - Talent Intelligence Director | Jul 28, 2023 8:45:33 AM

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What are candidates looking for?
What will turn them away?
Would a jobseeker consider alternative remuneration to pay?

Brought to you by our Talent Intelligence Unit, the purpose of this report is to share insights into recruitment activity in the first 6 months of 2023 and the experiences and attitudes of candidates as a comparison, before summarising the take-aways for Talent Professionals for the remainder of 2023.

The Jobtrain ATS platform processes hundreds of thousands of vacancies and millions of applications per annum, and that has provided our Talent Intelligence Unit access to a huge amount of data.

We combine this with external research and our candidate survey data - Candidata™ - to form our JobBrain™ data engine. This means we can deliver consultancy and projects for performance improvement and transformation, backed by real insight not opinion.

This edition utilises a sample of over 30,000+ vacancies and 7,500+ surveyed candidates across 18 industry sectors. It also includes expanded survey content, capturing more insight to candidate attitudes and generation identifiers.#

In this report you'll see a wide range of fascinating statistics and analysis, including:

  • The average time-to-hire, broken down by sector
  • The main reasons for job seeking
  • Candidate priorities, such as remote working
  • Generational breakdowns of retention
  • Insights to help you create application processes without candidate drop-off
  • Answers to the question "would you seek a job with alternative remuneration to just money?" broken down by generation
  • Insights to help you create job adverts that reel in candidates#