Why your current ATS isn't cutting it - How Jobtrain steps up for the NHS

ALEX LAMONT • 28 Aug 2023

1 - Volume recruitment challenges
2 - Seamless integration with NHS platforms
3 - A proactive approach to compliance
4 - Revolutionised onboarding
5 - Tailored assessment tools

Recruitment is the backbone of any organisation, more so for a massive and critical institution like the NHS. Finding the right talent — from medical professionals to support staff — is paramount. The tools at your disposal should not only simplify the process but also enhance it. As an NHS Recruitment Director, you might be relying on an Applicant Tracking System (ATS) to aid in this endeavour.

But is your current ATS truly fit for purpose?

NHS connectionsLet's delve into some areas where many ATS systems fall short, and how Jobtrain's dedicated approach can be the game-changer your recruitment process needs.

Volume recruitment challenges Mobile Website Testimonials (360 x 560 px)

The NHS recruits for a vast array of roles, often very similar in nature but varied in location and specialisation.

Many generic ATS platforms don't efficiently handle bulk campaigns, causing recruitment drives for roles like nursing to become cumbersome and inefficient.

Enter Jobtrain. Our system allows candidates to mark their preferences right at the application stage. Whether it's a specialisation like children’s services or a specific hospital location, Jobtrain can handle the complexity of volume campaigns — be it Generic, Cohort or Bulk.


Seamless integration with NHS-specific platforms

Integration is a critical aspect of an efficient ATS. Many systems offer generic integrations that don't truly cater to the NHS's unique requirements.

We, on the other hand, have carefully listened to the needs of NHS recruiting teams. Our ATS seamlessly integrates with NHS Jobs and the NHS Electronic Staff Record (ESR). This end-to-end management of candidates from application through to onboarding simplifies vacancy management, reducing typical administration by up to 50%.


NHS Jobs advertising-low (1)

A proactive approach to compliance

Compliance checks, particularly DBS checks, can be a massive headache during recruitment drives. The continuously evolving regulations from bodies such as the CQC, GMC, and NMC require an ATS that stays updated. Many systems are reactive, leading to potential compliance gaps. Our Jobtrain ATS offers a proactive solution.

Our ATS can register candidates for new Online Disclosure applications, integrating with specialised DBS and compliance checking providers like First Advantage. This ensures timely, accurate, and crucial compliance checks.

Revolutionised onboarding

How often have you lost a perfect candidate between selection and their first day due to clunky onboarding processes?

Generic ATS platforms lack dedicated onboarding features, causing delays and potential drop-offs. We recognise this gap. Our recruitment software has features tailored for the NHS, ensuring that once the final interviews are done, the onboarding process is swift, engaging and efficient. With our Onboarding and Welcome Hub features too, your new hires will be geared up and eager to start.

Citizens Advice quote about Onboarding

Tailored assessment tools

Assessment isn't a one-size-fits-all process. Especially within the NHS, where roles are so diverse, you need an ATS that offers tailored assessment tools. Many systems provide generic assessment forms that might not adequately evaluate potential NHS hires.

Jobtrain offers unlimited tailored application and assessment forms for the myriad roles within the NHS. From simple screening to sophisticated scored forms with images and timed questions, our system offers versatility without compromising on efficiency.

A testament to Jobtrain's excellence in the NHS

NHS Scotland, the second-largest public sector employer in the UK, integrated our ATS to support their expansive recruitment process.

The result? A significant drop of 31% in time to hire, saving nearly a month per recruitment drive. Neil Warbrick, Programme Director, lauded the balance Jobtrain offered in system capability and aligning with NHSS's specific needs.

Your role as an NHS Recruitment Director is pivotal. In these challenging times, where every hire can make a world of difference, relying on an outdated or unsuitable ATS can hinder the incredible work you do. We understand the intricacies of NHS recruitment. With over 20 years of development and refinement, our ATS is not just another recruitment system; it's a solution — tailor-made for the NHS.

Switch to Jobtrain. Ensure that your recruitment process is as efficient, streamlined, and purpose-driven as the wonderful healthcare professionals you bring onboard.

Making the NHS Workforce Plan a reality.
NHS Discussion Paper