
Talent Intelligence Market Report - Q1 2023

Written by Gary Towers - Talent Intelligence Director | Feb 6, 2023 12:06:43 PM

Download the Market Report

Our Talent Intelligence Unit has published its latest Market Report for 2023.

Download the free report below to get insights into Employer Activity and Candidate Attitudes.

Recruitment statistics for 2023

Our experts in Talent Intelligence release a market report bi-annually. In this analysis, you'll find 26 pages of data and insights.

The Market Report focusses on insights into recruitment activity in the last 6 months of 2022. Alongside this, we’ll share insights into the experiences and attitudes of candidates as a comparison, before summarising the ‘takeaways’ for Talent Professionals in 2023. 

How was this report created?

This Market Report utilises a sample of 35,000 vacancies and 8,500 surveyed candidates across 18 industry sectors. It also includes expanded survey content, capturing further insight into candidate attitudes and generation identifiers.

What is included in this report?

  • Vacancy growth, broken down by sector
  • How important is pay in searching for a job?
  • What are candidates looking for?
  • How the average time-to-hire has changed in the past 6 months
  • Statistics relating to the Generation Z workforce
  • Statistics relating to the Millenial workforce
  • The main reasons candidates are looking for jobs
  • How candidates feel about flexible working and the four-day-week!
  • And much more!