For many small businesses, April marks the end of one financial year and the start of another. Often this means budget reviews, performance appraisals, and putting in place plans for the year ahead.
Our recent article on the 10 most important recruitment performance measures will help you understand how you’ve performed, and our 2022 Market Trends Report will give you some sector and market averages to compare your figures too.

The 2022 Market Trends Report will also highlight the extreme challenges facing Recruiters now and in recent months:
- 146% rise in vacancies being created and advertised
- Over 1.2 million vacancies at any one time, far outstripping available job seekers
- Only 25% of candidates are seeking employment due to unemployment, the remaining 75% are job movers.
- This is compounding the problem, by causing higher attrition, which in turn is powering the number of vacancies.
- It is a candidate’s market.
All of these measures can provide useful insight, but "you don’t fatten a pig by measuring it" as the saying goes.
If right now you are thinking "I’m so busy trying to find candidates I haven’t got time to read the rest of this article", you probably should read the rest of this article!
Chances are you are working around the clock trying to find candidates, and you are under pressure to take action. The problem comes when being seen to be taking action – of any kind as long as it is perceived to be trying to get candidates through the door – is more important than the right action. Rushing into exciting solutions without knowing what needs to be achieved can be counter-productive. You could be throwing good money after bad.
An audit of your recruitment lifecycle will help identify weakness and opportunities for improvement. For example, where is the value in more advertising, if the proposition or process turns off candidates? Or an EDI focus without the tools and actions to support it?
Jobtrain’s Candidate Experience and Recruitment Process Audits can help you:-
- Define where you are at now
- Define opportunities for improvement
- Define measures of success
Jobtrain’s Candidate Experience or Recruitment Process Audit will be of benefit if you...
- Don't have the time, resources or capability internally
- Need an objective unbiased review
- Want to deliver successful improvement and customer satisfaction
- Value the experience and insights from years of providing solutions to successful organisations
Our team of consultants have over 100 years collective experience in all forms of recruitment and sectors, as well as qualifications and experience in Occupational Psychology, APM, Prince2, and LeanSixSigma.

What is Six Sigma and why is it important?
Six Sigma is a set of techniques and tools for process improvement. A Six Sigma process is one in which “99.9% of all opportunities to produce some feature of a part are statistically expected to be free of defects.”
In short – it ensures that our consultancy will be clear and data-driven.
As well as auditing they can provide consultancy, solution design, data analysis and forecasting, and project management.
For as little as £995 for a Candidate Experience Audit, and £1895 for a Recruitment Process Audit, you can set your strategy, tactics and budget on the right path this month. This will set you up to get the best out of the year ahead!