Revitalising your employer brand: key strategies and benefits

LAURA CHAMBERS • 26 Aug 2024

In terms of arming yourself with the best tools to attract candidates, having a strong employer brand is certainly up there. But it's not just about attracting top talent. A strong employer brand can also help with the retention of employees by building a positive work culture and creating a lasting impression that sets you apart from competitors and other employers. But what makes an effective employer brand and how can you add impact to yours?

Understanding employer branding

Employer branding involves promoting your company as a preferred place of work. It shouldn't just be about attracting the best candidates, it's also useful for current employees and stakeholders to improve retention and provide a positive image of your organisation. An employer brand includes your company’s culture, values, communication style and the benefits you offer.

Smiling colleagues in their workplace

Why a robust employer brand matters

A well-crafted employer brand offers a multitude of advantages:

  1. Attracting your target talent: A compelling employer brand can help draw in your target quality candidates. Consider this statistic if you're thinking about whether a good employer brand matters: when looking for a job and before applying, 64% of people will research a company’s background online beforehand (StandOutCV).
  2. It boosts retention: Why? First up, a strong employer brand will ensure you attract the right candidates that align with your company's culture and values. In a recent report, 73% of people left a job because they disliked the company's culture (Robert Walters). If new hires aren't fully informed about your company's culture and values at the application stage, then there can often be a misalignment. Secondly, it can improve employee engagement and loyalty by taking pride in their workplace.
  3. Reducing recruitment costs: A positive employer brand can lower your recruitment expenses. Following the above on retention, if new hires aren't informed about what it's like to work at your company, then that will likely impact retention if new hires decide to leave within the first 3 months. This results in the recruitment process starting again as well as the onboarding and training program, ultimately costing time and money.

    A stellar employer brand will help your company become recognised as a desirable place to work, therefore attracting the right candidates quickly and likely to reduce spend on advertising and external recruitment services.
  4. Enhancing reputation: Ultimately, a strong employer brand bolsters your overall reputation. It's a signal that you value your employees and are dedicated to maintaining a great working environment.

Strategies for a strong employer brand

To build and sustain a powerful employer brand, consider these strategies:

Create a compelling employer value proposition (EVP)

Your EVP is the unique blend of benefits and values you offer employees in exchange for their skills and expertise. It should clearly outline what makes your company stand out and be an attractive place to work. Gather insights from current employees through surveys to understand what they value most and identify what sets you apart from your competitors.

Showcase your company culture and values

Your company culture should be at the core of your employer brand. Ensure your culture is consistently showcased across all channels, including your website, careers pages, social media, job descriptions, interviews and through the onboarding process.  Highlight aspects of your culture and values, such as flexible work arrangements, professional development opportunities or a commitment to diversity and inclusion. This can be communicated in various ways for example how your company offers volunteer days to all staff or interviews with employees talking about what it's like to work at your company.

Encourage employee advocacy

Your employees are your best brand ambassadors. Give them the confidence to share their work experiences on social media, write reviews on platforms like Glassdoor and take part in company events. Authentic employee testimonials provide genuine insights into your workplace and help attract like-minded candidates - in fact, a Glassdoor study found 50% of job seekers would check Glassdoor reviews when searching for jobs online.

Prioritise employee development

Offering growth and development opportunities is vital for maintaining a positive employer brand. Implement training programs, mentorship schemes and clear career progression paths and ensure this is communicated widely internally for employees and externally for prospective hires. Employees who feel their career growth is supported are more likely to stay and recommend your company to others.

Use the power of social media

Social media is a potent tool for promoting your employer brand. Regularly post content that highlights your company culture, celebrates employee achievements and showcases the unique benefits. Use the platforms where your audience is going to be - whether that be LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok or Facebook. Get your marketing team involved and excited to help you produce engaging content that shows off your company, your people and offers a glimpse into what it's like to work there. This year, we started a similar campaign here at Jobtrain, showcasing our culture and personality whilst also getting important messages across. Check out our LinkedIn and TikTok pages.

Ask and act on feedback

Regularly gather feedback from employees to understand their perceptions and experiences. Use surveys, focus groups or one-on-one meetings to collect insights. Create safe spaces to ensure employees feel safe in speaking the truth. Act on this feedback to demonstrate you value their opinions and are committed to creating a positive work environment.

Building a positive candidate experience

The candidate experience has a big impact on your employer brand. Ensure your recruitment process is efficient, transparent and respectful. Provide timely feedback, clear communication and make candidates feel valued, even if they are not shortlisted. A positive candidate experience fosters positive word-of-mouth and strengthens your employer brand. There's good reason for delivering a good candidate experience - 25% of unhappy candidates said they will actively discourage others from applying shrinking your pool of potential talent (ERE Media).

A man and a women gossiping

The benefits of a well-managed employer brand

Investing in your employer brand delivers big returns:

  • Higher quality applicants by attracting talent that is aligned with your company culture and values.
  • Increased employee engagement: Employees proud to work for your organisation will engage with content and are generally more engaged and productive.
  • Improved retention rates: Employees are more likely to stay with a company that aligns with their values and culture and has a strong employer brand, reducing turnover and recruitment costs.
  • A boosted company reputation improves your overall reputation, making it easier to attract customers and partners.

Remember, cultivating and managing a strong employer brand is an ongoing effort. Treat it like your favourite plant - continuously nurture and evolve it to create a blooming workplace where top talent aspires to join and remain for the long term.

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