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Managing recruitment without recruitment software – is it even possible?

Written by Chris Keeling | 10-Jul-2019 11:24:00

Managing recruitment without any software –  at first glance it seems the obvious answer would be a resounding no!  In theory you possibly could, but is it really the best way to go about things?

So why do so many companies and organisations continue to try to manage their recruitment without a system to help them?  You could say that it is OK (ish) if you only recruit a handful of people a year, but once you start having the need for an HR function then the alarm bells should be ringing (in a positive sense).  If you already have a Resourcing function but without any form of applicant tracking system, then you must be working with someone who has four arms, two brains and a phenomenal work ethic!  The demands are as high today as they have ever been – more staff to hire; a highly competitive, candidate-driven UK market; a plethora of job boards to choose from; the demand for accurate, real time data; the need to ensure GDPR and legal compliance – the list goes on.

Why the reluctance to adopt an ATS?

So why is there still a reluctance to adopt a system that would address many of these issues?


One factor may be cost.  However, our own client results show that the Jobtrain applicant tracking system typically pays for itself in less than 6 months.

The time it takes to implement an ATS?

You may be surprised to learn that it only takes between  6-8 weeks on average to implement Jobtrain. We scope the solution with you, which is invaluable in mapping your recruitment processes and walk you through a workbook to ensure we gather all the information from you. We then build the ATS, undertake the testing and deliver the training.  The vast majority of this is done by us at Jobtrain, not by you, the client.

A poor experience with implementing technology? 

There have been many examples of buying systems that turn into White Elephants.  There’s no easy answer that will  ease those concerns.  We can talk about track records; about break clauses in contracts; about the risk of doing nothing… The reality is that you have to meet the people behind the company to assess whether you think they can deliver. Then talk to clients who actually work with the supplier to make sure their experience is in line with what you’ve been told. 

Above all, check out the support that’s available to you.  Any supplier should share the ambitions that you have for the ATS and you should be receiving all the support you need on an ongoing basis to make that expectation a reality. 

At Jobtrain we always take the view that we are a people business, not a software provider, and that’s crucial in determining our own mindset on these matters and in making sure we offer a high level of support.

But as we are now deep into the 21st century, there really is no excuse not to have an Applicant Tracking System in place anymore.