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Internal hiring - top tips

Written by Alex Lamont | 22-Jul-2024 07:30:00

Are you looking to ensure the long-term success of your organisation? Internal hiring might be the answer to a challenging job market. By identifying and developing potential successors within your company, you not only guarantee business continuity but also foster a culture of growth and development.

Succession planning

Succession planning is a strategic approach to ensuring that key positions within your organisation are filled with capable individuals. It involves identifying potential candidates within your company who can step into critical roles as they become available. This proactive strategy not only ensures business continuity but also fosters a culture of growth and development.

To implement effective succession planning, start by identifying the key roles that are crucial to your organisation's success. Analyse the skills and competencies required for these roles and identify current employees who possess these qualities or have the potential to develop them. Once potential successors are identified, create development plans to help them acquire the necessary skills and experiences. This could include mentoring, training programmes, or cross-functional projects.

Regularly review and update your succession plans to account for changes in your organisation and the career aspirations of your employees. By investing in your employees' growth and preparing them for future leadership roles, you create a pipeline of talent that can seamlessly step into key positions, ensuring the long-term success of your organisation.

How to advertise internally

Advertising job opportunities internally is an essential part of internal hiring. It ensures that your employees are aware of new openings and have the opportunity to apply for them. Here are some effective ways to advertise internally:

  1. Company Intranet: Use your company intranet to post job openings. Ensure that these postings are easily accessible and regularly updated.

  2. Email Notifications: Send out email notifications to all employees or specific departments about new job openings. Include details about the position, application process, and deadlines.

  3. Bulletin Boards: Physical or digital bulletin boards in common areas can be used to post job vacancies. Ensure that these boards are regularly checked by employees.

  4. Team Meetings: Announce job openings during team meetings or departmental briefings. This ensures that all employees are informed and can discuss potential opportunities with their managers.

  5. Employee Newsletters: Include job vacancies in your regular employee newsletters. This ensures that employees are informed about new opportunities and can consider applying.

By using a combination of these methods, you can ensure that job openings are communicated effectively to all employees, increasing the chances of finding the right candidate internally.

How to create a great job advert for internal hiring

Creating an engaging and informative job advert is crucial for attracting the right internal candidates. Here are some tips for crafting a compelling job advert for internal hiring:

  1. Clear Job Title: Use a clear and concise job title that accurately reflects the role. Avoid jargon or abbreviations that might be confusing.

  2. Detailed Job Description: Provide a detailed description of the role, including key responsibilities, required skills, and qualifications. Be specific about what the job entails and what you are looking for in a candidate.

  3. Highlight Opportunities for Growth: Emphasise the opportunities for career development and growth within the role. This can be a significant motivator for internal candidates.

  4. Include Application Instructions: Clearly outline the application process, including how to apply, what documents are required, and the deadline for applications.

  5. Use Inclusive Language: Ensure that the language used in the job advert is inclusive and encourages all eligible employees to apply. Avoid language that might inadvertently exclude certain groups.

  6. Promote Company Values: Highlight your company's values and culture in the job advert. This helps candidates understand what it’s like to work in the role and how it aligns with their own values.

By following these tips, you can create a job advert that attracts qualified internal candidates and encourages them to apply.

How to approach internal interviews

Internal interviews are a critical part of the internal hiring process. They provide an opportunity to assess the suitability of candidates who are already familiar with your organisation. Here are some tips for conducting effective internal interviews:

  1. Prepare Thoroughly: Review the candidate’s current role, performance, and any previous interactions or achievements within the company. This will help you tailor your questions and understand their potential fit for the new role.

  2. Set Clear Expectations: Clearly communicate the structure and purpose of the interview to the candidate. Let them know what to expect and what you are looking for.

  3. Focus on Development: Internal interviews should focus not only on the candidate’s current skills and experiences but also on their potential for growth and development. Ask questions that assess their readiness for new challenges and their willingness to learn.

  4. Assess Cultural Fit: Since the candidate is already part of the organisation, it’s important to assess how well they will fit into the new team or department. Ask questions about their work style, communication preferences, and how they handle change.

  5. Provide Feedback: Regardless of the outcome, provide constructive feedback to the candidate. This helps them understand their strengths and areas for improvement, and it shows that you value their contribution to the organisation.

By approaching internal interviews with a focus on development and fit, you can make informed decisions that benefit both the candidate and the organisation.

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Redeployment involves moving employees whose roles have been made redundant to other positions within the organisation. This process not only helps retain valuable talent but also demonstrates your commitment to employee welfare. Here are some tips for effectively managing redeployees:

  1. Identify Suitable Roles: Assess the skills and experiences of redeployees and identify suitable roles within the organisation. This may involve re-skilling or upskilling to match them with new opportunities.

  2. Provide Support: Offer support such as training, coaching, and mentoring to help redeployees transition into their new roles. This support can make a significant difference in their success and satisfaction.

  3. Communicate Transparently: Maintain open and honest communication with redeployees throughout the process. Keep them informed about available opportunities and the steps involved in the redeployment process.

  4. Involve Managers: Engage managers in the redeployment process to ensure they are aware of the skills and potential of redeployees. Managers can play a crucial role in integrating redeployees into their new teams and supporting their development.

  5. Monitor Progress: Regularly monitor the progress of redeployees in their new roles. Provide ongoing feedback and support to ensure they are settling in well and meeting performance expectations.

By effectively managing redeployment, you can retain valuable employees, reduce redundancy costs, and maintain a positive organisational culture.



Internal hiring is a powerful tool for organisations looking to retain talent, promote growth, and ensure continuity. By implementing effective succession planning, advertising job openings internally, creating compelling job adverts, conducting thorough internal interviews, and managing redeployees effectively, you can harness the full potential of your existing workforce. Investing in your employees’ growth and development not only benefits them but also strengthens your organisation, creating a resilient and motivated team ready to tackle future challenges.