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ATS software vs decades old technology in a digital world

Written by Clare Ryder | 03-Mar-2017 13:39:00

We exhibited and showcased our recruitment software at the In-House Recruitment Expo at Olympia - events like this are always lots of fun, invaluable for networking and tiring in the best of ways (it’s not an event to wear heels to, that’s for sure!). Here's what we learnt:

Programme of speakers on all kinds of recruitment topics

With a two-day programme of speakers, master classes and panel discussions. Topics ranged from the changing candidate journey to using data for high impact sourcing and future proofing your talent processes. But something that always bewilders me is the sheer volume of individuals I meet using an Excel spreadsheet to manage their recruitment. Yes, you read that correctly, no applicant tracking software, no online candidate experience or careers site. Instead, just an application inbox and a spreadsheet to track the responses!

The frustration is evident amongst the people we met and the irony clear. Attending an event that’s designed to encourage creative ways to “win the war” on talent for the organisations they represent, but without the applicant tracking tool in their arsenal to do so.

I am not writing this to throw “shade” in the direction of the not so humble Excel spreadsheet. I am huge fan of Excel, but let’s be realistic – a spreadsheet is not a tool to execute a hiring strategy with in 2017. We can all agree technology and tools for candidate engagement have moved on light years since the spreadsheet became popular in the late 70s.

The online candidate experience, social media posting and your employer brand

The same individuals we spoke with at the In-House Recruitment Expo were committed to harnessing social media for job postings, maximising the brand and ensuring a best in class candidate experience. Not only that, but most recognise that to support the candidate experience and make the experience for hiring managers as efficient as possible; automation and self-service online recruitment tools make a huge difference.

Return on Investment and getting buy-in from the board

So where is the disconnect? The desire to use first rate recruitment software/applicant tracking solutions with “all the bells and whistles” is evident for would be users and that was clear to see at the In-House Recruitment Expo.

It appears the disconnect is convincing budget holders of the return on investment (ROI) in purchasing online recruitment technology as opposed to spending the usual, predictable sums on advertising, recruitment agencies and vendor support.

In the digital world we operate in and the waves that any kind of data breach makes, I also find it hard to understand the risk being taken by so many organisations in relying on a spreadsheet for such an immense task. I know that sounds dramatic but is the risk to the organisation really worth it?

So how do we close the gap and reduce that risk? I am calling out to all of those individuals I spoke with who attended the event or work in a corporate HR and recruitment function when I ask:

How do you shine a light on how invaluable technology is to a recruitment and HR function? There are a multiple of answers to this – one being the time saved and utilised in a far more productive manner. Think of the exciting things that can be achieved when HR and recruitment teams can cease being administrators and become recruitment marketers, brand champions, engagement officers and the voice of your organisation!

What are the best ways you have made the case to spend on infrastructure?